Value for Saturday of Week 29 in the season of Ripening

Displaying Vision

Vision pertains to scope. The wise person can see for a long distance, metaphorically. Usually the ideal is stated in reference to time but it may also be stated in spatial scope, as when a person can visualize national political strategies in a complex electorate.


True Narratives

Marshall McLuhan foretold the future, not by clairvoyance but by paying careful attention to what was unfolding. Famously, he said “the medium is the message” but more significantly he predicted the dehumanizing effects that emerging communications media would have.

Here is the vision in McLuhan’s words:

Videos of McLuhan:

James Madison "is deservedly remembered as 'the Father of the Constitution" . . . the principal . . . author of what would become our Bill of Rights and the prime organizer of the Jeffersonian Republican party". The "Father of Politics" "lived in his head, but his head was always concerned with making his cherished thoughts real."

Non-fiction works by Norman Mailer (see Fiction section on this page).

James Joyce had extraordinary literary vision for his time.

Visionary views about our past and future:

People with exceptional vision can pay a heavy emotional price for their gift.

Other visionaries:

From the dark side, on what happens when nations fail to plan:

From the dark side, myopia:

Technical and Analytical Readings


Documentary and Educational Films


Fictional Narratives


From the dark side: people cannot see their own nose:


They laughed at me as "Prof. Moon,"
As a boy in Spoon River, born with the thirst
Of knowing about the stars.
They jeered when I spoke of the lunar mountains,
And the thrilling heat and cold,
And the ebon valleys by silver peaks,
And Spica quadrillions of miles away,
And the littleness of man.
But now that my grave is honored, friends,
Let it not be because I taught
The lore of the stars in Knox College,
But rather for this: that through the stars
I preached the greatness of man,
Who is none the less a part of the scheme of things
For the distance of Spica or the Spiral Nebulae;
Nor any the less a part of the question
Of what the drama means.

[Edgar Lee Masters, “Alfonso Churchill”]

The cooper should know about tubs.
But I learned about life as well,
And you who loiter around these graves
Think you know life.
You think your eye sweeps about a wide horizon, perhaps,
In truth you are only looking around the interior of your tub.
You cannot lift yourself to its rim
And see the outer world of things,
And at the same time see yourself.
You are submerged in the tub of yourself—
Taboos and rules and appearances,
Are the staves of your tub.
Break them and dispel the witchcraft
Of thinking your tub is life!
And that you know life!

[Edgar Lee Masters, “Griffy the Cooper”]

Music: Composers, artists, and major works

Several composers are especially notable for their vision, which drove music forward. Among the greatest musical visionaries are these composers:

Tracing jazz from its roots in the blues, seminal visionaries are:

John Fahey, “was one of the great pioneers of American blues and folk”, transcended blues and country traditions through his vision of what the genres might be. “The visionary steel string guitarist’s instrumentals, powerful fingerpicking and fretwork, and wellspring of knowledge of the traditions of blues and folk music were unparalleled.” Employing classical techniques, he created a distinctive art form rich in its simplicity, yet sparse owing to Fahey use of the steel guitar. “The Legend of Blind Joe Death” (75’) is his groundbreaking 1957 album. Here he is live at New Varsity in 1981, and in Atlanta in 1997. Here are links to his releases.

Other compositions:

  • Aron Kallay, Beyond 12: Reinventing the Piano (2012) uses remodeled pianos to create unconventional sounds. Albums are Volume 1 (2015) (56’); Volume 2 (2021) (69’).
  • Ragamalika is a form of composition in Carnatic music. – it means “garland of ragas”. 


Music: songs and other short pieces

Visual Arts

Film and Stage

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