Though Pavlovian reward and punishment is not a humanistic model for treatment of humans, people do like being rewarded for accomplishments and generally exhibit a favorable response. The concern is that we do not wish to treat people in an undignified manner. Still, we are animals, and we do respond to favorable and unfavorable stimuli. Stripped of its characterizations and value judgments, an appropriate human reward is not given immediately but after a sufficient time has passed so that the reward accounts for the independence and dignity of the recipient. To what extent are we merely fooling ourselves? I leave that question for another day, or to others.
True Narratives
Technical and Analytical Readings
Documentary and Educational Films
Fictional Narratives
Music: Composers, artists, and major works
For a musician, a solo in an honor – a reward for excellence. We have a wealth of concerti and other compositions that feature solos but Antonio Vivaldi was prolific in his compositions that featured a solo performer. The Naïve label has produced an extensive series highlighting this work:
- Concerti for oboe;
- Concerti for fagotto (bassoon); Volume II; Volume III;
- Concerti for bassoon and oboe;
- Concerti for archi (string instruments); Volume II;
- Concerti for transverse flute;
- Concerti for violincello (cello); Volume II; Volume III;
- Concerti for violine (violin); Volume II; Volume III; Volume IV; Volume V; Volume VI; Volume VII; Volume VIII; Volume IX;
- Concerti for mandolin;
- Cantate for Soprano;
- Music for mandolin and lute.
Music: songs and other short pieces
Visual Arts
Film and Stage
- Cinderella: a morality tale about merit versus kinship